«Έχει το δικαίωμα να ελπίζει κανείς ότι,

ανάμεσα από τα φοβερά κυκλοτρόνια

και τους ηλεκτρονικούς εγκεφάλους,

μια μέρα, όπως ανάμεσα από δυο μαλτεζόπετρες,

θα ξεφυτρώσει πάλι, σαν καταπόρφυρη παπαρούνα,


Οδυσσέας Ελύτης

Τρίτη 6 Δεκεμβρίου 2011

"A hug from a stranger" Κυριάκος

I was just wondering...
how does it feel to have a warm hug?
And then, like a wish,
I dreamed about a hug...
what a weird hug!
Neither warm nor cold...
But somewhere in the middle,
definetely filling gaps...
huge empty gaps which
love, warmth and partnership never touched...
what a weird hug!
Filling needs that you have never imagined...
Giving love to creatures who need it...
Being the light in the soul's darkness,
the lighthouse in the rough sea!
so be strong..
someone may need you out there...
he may need your strength...
be sure and just become the hope for others..
Just always remember!
Someone truly needs you...
someone may dream about you...

Someone from the past?
Maybe from the future?
He may be living with us...
becoming the company
in the loneliness of your heart...
May he be a human?
Maybe the shadow in the dark?
Definitely he is your partner...
the child you never had!

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